Wednesday, April 20, 2011

See ya Rob!

After returning from five day break, the members of B Shift held a going away lunch for EMS Coordinator Captain Rob Johnson.  With over ten years as a Firefighter/Paramedic, rob accepted the position as the EMS Coordinator for the City of Salem.  We all commend rob for all of the hard work that he has put in keeping everybody certified and trained.   The members of B Shift grilled some hot dogs, served up some baked beans and chips for the going away lunch.

Rob,  you will be missed.  Good luck with your new position.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A bit of Monday

Monday the Brothers on A shift had a steady first part of the shift, and then in the evening 2 House was host for the members of the Div 6 Technical Rescue Team that were going over some skill drills in preparation for Rescue Challenge 2011.                                                               

The first Rescue Challenge was held in Richmond, VA area in 1994, the concept was to bring together technical rescue teams from around the state of VA.  The idea was to challenge the abilities of the teams and validate the training that the teams had received.  The participating teams also have the opportunity to network, and share information while improving on advanced rescue techniques.  The teams participate in two real life scenarios a day for the four day event.  The scenarios include vehicle rescue, high angle rope rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue, heavy and light structural collapse, or a combination of any of the disciplines to  complete the scenario.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Tuesday

Tuesday was a busy day all around for the 2 House crew, the usual station house keeping and then the day started.  A few EMS runs in the morning, and what started off being dispatched as a fire alarm turned out to be a small fire at one of the local schools.  The incident could be described as more smoke than fire, and a good ventilation drill.  A good job by everybody on scene.

The rest of the shift was included more EMS runs lasting into the O'dark thirty hours of the morning.
Best of luck to all those that are currently in the promotional process.
Stay safe and train hard!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Friday Field Trip

Friday, the Rescue Engine crew were out of the house for training, two of the three went to training and the other was detailed to Station 3.  A group of 5 traveled to Martinsville, VA for Haz Mat training with Roanoke City and Danville Fire Department's Haz Mat teams.  A rail car leaking chlorine was the scenario for the day.  Members from all of the teams represented received some good hands on training and some tasty grub from one of the local restaurants.

The rest of the shift brought a hearty spaghetti dinner made by Clay Fitzgerald and the 802 crew.  EMS runs peppered the rest of the shift.  It's all good.

Stay safe, train hard!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

B shift Monday

Monday was a training day for the department's Tech Rescue Team.  The members traveled to McCoy Falls for a day of swiftwater training.  While one group was on shore working on rope skills, the other group was oout in and on the water fine tuning skills on boat flips, getting team members back into the boat, driving the paddle raft, and some swimming skills.  The weather was nice and sunny, but the water could be best described as slightly above freezing, and less than comfortable.

A great day of training, and fun in the water.

Stay safe, train hard!